A company is a collection of like-minded people working together to bring a shared vision of the future to fruition. When joining a company, it is essential to understand and align with their vision and work toward making it reality. In a company, the many move as one and the product is greater than the sum of the parts that create it.

Business is born when a company finds viable means to realise its vision. Well-executed, a company will deepen and make things better for its surroundings and the community – profits tend to follow. Profit is simply a measure of how well the vision has manifested and therefore, energy should always be focused on product and productivity, not profit.

To become the most versatile lead management and marketing network in our sector. To assist all businesses in the network to increase their sales and profits with effective marketing, technology solutions and access shared skills to expand the reach of the network. Also generating fundraising opportunities to support the homeless, through charitable donations and building awareness to the general public and businesses that connect with the CALM network.